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[BhSc22a] A. Bhagyanath and K. Schneider Buffer Allocation for Exposed Datapath Architectures Presentation |
[RaSc22a] O. Rafique and K. Schneider Data-aware Global Scheduling of Dataflow Process Networks Presentation |
[ScBR22a] K. Schneider and A. Bhagyanath and J. Roob Virtual Buffers for Exposed Datapath Architectures Presentation |
[ScBR22c] K. Schneider and A. Bhagyanath and J. Roob Code Generation Criteria for Buffered Exposed Datapath Architectures from Dataflow Graphs Presentation |
[WeSc22a] M.C. Werner and K. Schneider From IEC 61131-3 Function Block Diagrams to Sequentially Constructive Statecharts Presentation |
[Schn21b] K. Schneider Translating Structured Sequential Programs to Dataflow Graphs Presentation |
[RaSc20a] O. Rafique and K. Schneider Employing OpenCL as a Standard Hardware Abstraction in a Distributed Embedded System: A Case Study Presentation |
[RaSc20c] O. Rafique and K. Schneider SHeD: A Framework for Automatic Software Synthesis of Heterogeneous Dataflow Process Networks Presentation |
[BhJS16a] A. Bhagyanath and T. Jain and K. Schneider Towards Code Generation for the Synchronous Control Asynchronous Dataflow (SCAD) Architectures Presentation |
[BhSc16a] A. Bhagyanath and K. Schneider Optimal Compilation for Exposed Datapath Architectures with Buffered Processing Units by SAT Solvers Presentation |
[JaSB16a] T. Jain and K. Schneider and A. Bhagyanath The Selector-Tree Network: A New Self-Routing and Nonblocking Interconnection Network Presentation |
[JaSc16a] T. Jain and K. Schneider Verifying the Concentration Property of Permutation Networks by BDDs Presentation |
[LiSc16b] X. Li and K. Schneider Control-flow Guided Clause Generation for Property Directed Reachability Presentation |
[LiSc16d] X. Li and K. Schneider Control-flow Guided Property Directed Reachability for Synchronous Programs Presentation |
[RBLS16a] T. Ropertz and K. Berns and X. Li and K. Schneider Verification of Behavior-Based Control Systems in their Physical Environment Presentation |
[RaSc16b] O. Rafique and K. Schneider Introducing MoC Drivers for the Integration of Sensor-Actuator Behaviors in Model-Based Design Flows of Embedded Systems Presentation |
[RaSc16c] O. Rafique and K. Schneider MoC Drivers for the Integration of Sensor-Actuator Behaviors in Model-Based Design Flows of Embedded Systems Presentation |
[SeSc16a] M. Senftleben and K. Schneider Specifying Weak Memory Consistency with Temporal Logic Presentation |
[BSBK14a] Y. Bai and K. Schneider and N. Bhardwaj and B. Katti and T. Shazadi From Clock-Driven to Data-Driven Models Presentation |
[BSBK14b] Y. Bai and K. Schneider and N. Bhardwaj and B. Katti and T. Shazadi From Clock-Driven to Data-Driven Models Presentation |
[BhSS14a] N. Bhardwaj and M. Senftleben and K. Schneider Abacus – A Processor Family for Education Presentation |
[BhSc14a] A. Bhagyanath and K. Schneider TTA as Predictable Architecture for Real-Time Applications Presentation |
[FMSS14a] F. Furbach and R. Meyer and K. Schneider and M. Senftleben Memory Model-aware Testing -- A Unified Complexity Analysis Presentation |
[GeBS14a] M. Gesell and F. Bichued and K. Schneider Using Different Representations of Synchronous Systems in SAL Presentation |
[KhBS14b] M.A. Ben Khadra and Y. Bai and K. Schneider Synthesis of Distributed Synchronous Specifications to SysteMoC Presentation |
[LiSc14b] X. Li and K. Schneider Interactive Verification of Hybrid Systems Presentation |
[RSFB14] A. Gerlinger Romero and K. Schneider and M. Gonçalves Vieira Ferreira and Y. Bai Using the Base Semantics given by fUML for Verification Presentation |
[RoSF14b] A. Gerlinger Romero and K. Schneider and M. Gonçalves Vieira Ferreira Integrating UML Composite Structures and fUML Presentation |
[ScWi14a] K. Schneider and A. Willenbücher A New Algorithm for Carry-Free Addition of Binary Signed-Digit Numbers Presentation |
[BaGS09c] D. Baudisch and M. Gesell and K. Schneider Online Exercise System -- A Web-Based Tool for Administration and Automatic Correction of Exercises Presentation |