S. Deshmukh
Scenario Based Software Testing for Autonomous Truck
Master Thesis
A. Faßbender
Empirische Evaluierung der Effekte von Hardwarebeschleunigung auf quantenresistente Kryptographie im TLS 1.3 Protokoll
Bachelor Thesis
L. Hemmerling
Evaluierung der Verkettung von Recheneinheiten in exponierten Datenflussarchitekturen
Bachelor Thesis
A.P. Jose
A Microkernel based solution for SAFE Deadline Monitoring
Master Thesis
D. Mozek
Evaluating the Potential of Hardware-Acceleration for WebAssembly
Bachelor Thesis
K.B. Sajikumar
Modeling Hazardous Events in Automated Driving for Probabilistic Approach of Test Instrumentation
Master Thesis
E. Schreiner
BDD Minimization Through FSM State Re-Encoding
Master Thesis
A. Sivaprasad
Automated Model and Scenario Setup to Derive Functional Safety Criteria
Master Thesis
A. Sunny
Conception and Implementation of a Test Control System for Complex Driving Scenarios for Driver Assistance Functions in Commercial Vehicles
Master Thesis
F. Tego
Efficient Translation of Linear Temporal Logic to Deterministic Automata
Master Thesis
E. Borth
Generating parallel OpenCL and OpenMP Programs from Dataflow Graphs
Bachelor Thesis
F. Dietrich
Tail Duplication for Compilation for Buffered Exposed Datapath Architectures
Bachelor Thesis
N. Ejlali
Representing threat models by the Open Security Controls Assessment Language (OSCAL)
Master Thesis
J. Freiermuth
Echtzeit-Schaltassistent fü̈r Elektrofahrzeuge mit Schaltgetriebe
Master Thesis
A. Gupta
A Model Driven Migration of Complex Legacy Solutions to a new ABAP software stack
Master Thesis
M. Häuser
Designing a Secure and Space-Efficient Executable File Format for the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
Master Thesis
N. Kercher
Code Generation for Buffered Exposed Datapath Architectures
Master Thesis
S. Koziakov
Towards a safe user-level virtual machine monitor for L4Re
Master Thesis
Y. Neuhard
Developing an Augmented Reality Solution with GPU/CUDA Support to Evaluate and Visualize V2X Scenarios in a Driving Vehicle
Master Thesis
L. Werner
Performance Evaluation of Interconnection Networks on Processors
Bachelor Thesis
J. Zeunert
Assessing the Security of Integrating SystemVerilog Synthesis and Simulation in Untrusted Environments
Master Thesis
D. Balke
Consistency and Robustness in an Event-sourced System
Bachelor Thesis
A.D. Lütke-Bordewick
Instruction Scheduling for Exposed Datapath Architectures
Bachelor Thesis
H.M.A. Mahmoud
Mapping Dataflow Process Networks on Real-time Operating Systems
Bachelor Thesis
S.S. Naragund
Sequencing Constraints in Contract-based verification
Master Thesis
A. Narasimhan
Evaluation of Binary Moment Diagrams
Master Thesis
R. Ramesh
Decompilation of Move Programs to Dataflow Process Networks
Master Thesis
D. Theis
Symbolic Execution of Synchronous Quartz Programs
Master Thesis
S. Upadhye
Data-Driven System Design Based on the Development Data
Master Thesis
M. Dahlem
Using Enhanced Logic Programming Semantics for Extending and Optimizing Synchronous System Design
PhD Thesis
M.T. Feth
A Resource-Constrained Implementation of an Educational Microprocessor
Bachelor Thesis
G. Gokaj
Analysis of a Tableau-based Decision Procedure for CTL*
Bachelor Thesis
O. Rafique
Embedded Software Synthesis using Heterogeneous Dataflow Models
PhD Thesis
A. Saleem
Steuerwerkssynthese für Datenflussprogramme
Bachelor Thesis
A. Schneiders
A Comparison of Exposed Datapath and Conventional Processor Architectures
Master Thesis
M. Stein
Optimizing Overhead in Compilation for SCAD Architectures
Master Thesis
J. Stock
Konfigurationsmanagement mit fachlichen Nutzern als Zielgruppe für ein technisch komplexes System
Bachelor Thesis
A. Bhagyanath
Code Generation for Synchronous Control Asynchronous Dataflow Architectures
PhD Thesis
M. Drewniok
Programmtransformation zur Vereinfachung des Kontrollflusses
Bachelor Thesis
S.M. Haider
Evaluating Scheduling Strategies for Executing Neural Networks on OpenCL Platforms
Master Thesis
M. Lill
Comparing SSA Code Transformations in Compilers
Bachelor Thesis
P.K. Ramachandran
Verification of SysML Models using Hybrid-Testbeds with Model-in-the-Loop Simulations
Master Thesis
S.N. Subramanya
An Evaluation of WebAssembly on Edge Devices for IoT
Master Thesis
S. Tissen
Entwicklung eines Machine-Learning Modells zur Auswertung von Überlebensdaten und Bereitstellung als Web-Service
Bachelor Thesis
M. Anders and S. Kwasigroch and M. Lederer
Applied Verification Tasks
Project Thesis
P.D. Deshmukh
Verification of AUTOSAR Basis Software
Master Thesis
S.M. Haider
Synthesis Framework for Executing Neural Networks on Heterogeneous Platforms
Master Thesis
A. Harchandani
How to Refine Support Experience Using Machine Learning
Master Thesis
F. Hasselwander
Lemma Generation for Induction-based Proof Rules
Master Thesis
T. Jain
Nonblocking On-Chip Interconnection Networks
PhD Thesis
F. Krebs
A Translation Framework from RVC-CAL Dataflow Programs to OpenCL/SYCL based Implementations
Master Thesis
M. Lederer
Causal Correctness as a Safety Property
Bachelor Thesis
M. Mohamed
SIMULINK to DLL (for TSIM Plugin)
Project Thesis
P.S. Mukherjee
Data-driven Control with Machine Learning for Optimization of a Cement Mill
Master Thesis
M. Senftleben
Modelling Memory Consistency Models for Formal Verification
PhD Thesis
D. Theis
Restrukturierung der API und Serverkomponente eines mobilen Spiels zur Optimierung der Sicherheit
Bachelor Thesis
M. Anders
Foundations for Verifiable Reactive Systems on Exposed Datapath Architectures with Buffered Processing Units
Project Thesis
S.N. Bhat
Robustness Assessment of Linux by Simulation-Based Physical Fault Injection in System Calls
Master Thesis
J. Bonkile
Development Tools Tailored for Serverless Cloud Computing
Master Thesis
L. Busser
Evaluating Learning Algorithms for Regular Expressions
Bachelor Thesis
T. Das
Classification of Warranty Claim Data using Supervised Machine Learning Algorithm SVM (Support Vector Machine)
Master Thesis
E.A. Dsouza
Optical Communication in High Voltage Battery Systems
Master Thesis
G. Georgopoulos
Operational Semantics of Memory System Implementations
Master Thesis
A. Schneiders
Using Static-Single-Information-Form for SCAD Code Generation
Bachelor Thesis
S. Schumb
Evaluating Interconnection Networks for Exposed Datapath Architectures
Master Thesis
M. Anders
Complexity Analysis of Code Generation for the SCAD Machine
Bachelor Thesis
S.R. Basavaraju
Application-specific Configuration of Exposed Datapath Architectures
Master Thesis
F. Haifani
Antichain Optimization using Simulation Relations for Context-Free Games
Master Thesis
S. Kannoth
Synchronous Modelling and Formal Verification of Train Command Management Systems
Master Thesis
X. Li
Induction-based Verification of Synchronous and Hybrid Programs
PhD Thesis
E. Neumann
Algorithms for Context-free Games: A Comparison of Saturation, Guess and Check, and Summarization
Master Thesis
J. Roob
OpenCL Implementation of Exposed Data Path Architectures as General Purpose Accelerators
Master Thesis
M. Stather
Entwicklung einer Kommunikationskomponente mit Sensor-/Aktorinterface auf einem FPGA für das Finroc-Projekt
Bachelor Thesis
F.M. Stutz
Operations on a Symbolic Domain for Synthesis
Bachelor Thesis
Y. Bai
Model-based Design of Embedded Systems by Desynchronization
PhD Thesis
D. Deiniger
Application of Factored Representations from Probabilistic Graphical Models to Probabilistic Verification
Master Thesis
C. Harms
Evaluation of FPGA-based Implementations of Interconnection Networks
Master Thesis
M. Heer
Verification Condition Generation for Hybrid Systems described by Synchronous Languages
Master Thesis
M.R. John
Static Instruction Scheduling for Transport Triggered Architectures
Master Thesis
A. Kabouteh
Formal Method Based Analysis of an Ophthalmic Surgical Robot Considering Hard Real-Time Constraints
Master Thesis
A. Rao
Implementation of a Software Emulator to recreate I2C Sensor Communication
Master Thesis
F. Walk
Out-of-Order Execution Within Functional Units of the SCAD Architecture
Master Thesis
K. Ashraf
HW/SW Co-design and Implementation of a Fountain Code for an FPGA System-on-Chip
Master Thesis
F. Bichued
Verification of Microprocessors
Master Thesis
D. Blatner
Automatisierte Transformationen von Petri-Netzen zur detaillierten Ablaufkontrolle in verteilten Laufzeitsystemen
Master Thesis
H. Lázaro García
Using UVM for Mixed-Signal Verification with IGBT Driver Context
Master Thesis
S. Schumb
Hardware Generation for Transport Triggered Architectures
Bachelor Thesis
T. Shazadi
Evaluation of Dataflow Process Networks Mapping on Multi-core Processors
Master Thesis
J. Stratmann
Implementation and Verification of IEEE-conform Floating-Point Arithmetic
Master Thesis
A. Triambak
Dynamic Scheduling of Instructions in Transport Triggered Architecture based Processors
Master Thesis
M. Dahlem
Interactive Verification of Synchronous Systems in HOL
Master Thesis
M. Gesell
Interactive Verification of Synchronous Systems
PhD Thesis
M. Heer
Assembler Code-Generierung aus synchronen Aktionen
Bachelor Thesis
M.N. Basurto Macavilca
Endochrony of Distributed Systems
Diploma Thesis
M. Reder
Code Generation for Transport Triggered Architecture
Bachelor Thesis
A. Gerlinger Romero
Hybrid fUML: A Hybrid Synchronous Language
PhD Thesis
J. Roob
A Hardware Abstraction Layer for Model-based Design of Embedded Systems
Bachelor Thesis
D. Thielsch
Analysis of Concurrency in Synchronous Systems
Master Thesis
D. Baudisch
Synthesis of Synchronous Programs to Parallel Software Architectures
PhD Thesis
J. Brandt
Synchronous Models for Embedded Software
Habilitation Thesis
M. Gemünde
Clock Refinement in Imperative Synchronous Programs
PhD Thesis
Y. Humbert
Umsetzung und Vergleich der Ausführung einer rechenintensiven Echtzeitanwendung mittels OpenMP und CUDA am Beispiel des Beamforming-Algorithmus
Master Thesis
M.A. Ben Khadra
A Model-based Approach To Sychronous Elastic Systems
Master Thesis
O. Rafique
Design, Development, and Integration of a Wireless Communication Unit in ConceptCar
Master Thesis
M. Senftleben
Operational Characterization of Weak Memory Consistency Models
Master Thesis
F. Walk
Parallel Software Generated from Synchronous Programs -- A Performance Evaluation Using a Ray Tracer
Bachelor Thesis
K. Bauer
A New Modelling Language for Cyber-physical Systems
PhD Thesis
T. Eickhoff
Program Sketching Using Craig Interpolants
Bachelor Thesis
B. Lietzow
A Domain Specific Language for the Synthesis of Networked Embedded Systems
Master Thesis
J. Stratmann
Design and Implementation of a Floating-Point Application Specific Instruction Set Processor
Bachelor Thesis
D. Thielsch
Criteria of Endo/Isochrony in Quartz
Bachelor Thesis
J. Thull
Ein Testkonzept für Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) im Automobilbereich
Master Thesis
S. Willenbrock
Speculative Execution of Data Flow Process Networks
Master Thesis